your ride

Pro meth­ods from the tracks.

Car per­for­mance mod­i­fi­ca­tions like nev­er before

We love cars. We live cars. We are dri­ven with the pas­sion to solve chal­lenges in car engi­neer­ing and stick our fin­gers on motors. Our staff has been on the scene of motor­sport, ral­ly, ral­ly­cross, drag rac­ing and drift­ing since the nineties, so we know what we’re talk­ing about. Check our tech­niques to unleash your car’s poten­tial.

How to boost per­for­mance

With Fin­ger Motors’ touch you can rely that your ride runs smooth­ly, effi­cient­ly, and in accor­dance with reg­u­la­tion.

Engine ana­lyz­ing & devel­op­ment

To craft the opti­mal engine mod­i­fi­ca­tion solu­tions for a spe­cif­ic car and its engine, it’s cru­cial to first mea­sure and define the engine’s pri­ma­ry char­ac­ter­is­tics. With a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of the engine, our staff can select the per­for­mance attrib­ut­es most cru­cial for devel­op­ment.

To iden­ti­fy the best solu­tion for your case, we assess the engine’s true effi­cien­cy and det­o­na­tion points by exam­in­ing the pres­sure and its dynam­ics with­in the cylin­der. Through Otto cycle analy­sis, we can dis­play and inspect the effi­cien­cy of setups like the engine-tur­bo com­bi­na­tion or eval­u­ate the effi­ca­cy of alco­hol fuels.

Engine map­ping

Engine map­ping, aka. engine cal­i­bra­tion or tun­ing, is the process of adjust­ing and opti­miz­ing the para­me­ters and set­tings of a com­bus­tion engine’s con­trol sys­tems. This is achieved by mod­i­fy­ing var­i­ous elec­tron­ic and mechan­i­cal com­po­nents.

Fin­ger Motors pro­vides after­mar­ket clients its exten­sive knowl­edge of vehi­cle man­u­fac­tur­ers’ map­ping meth­ods for increased horse­pow­er and/or torque, improved throt­tle response, more aggres­sive exhaust note, and more. A sig­nif­i­cant advan­tage for our clients is that our tuners have numer­ous records from the high­est lev­els of motor­sport. Addi­tion­al­ly, we are proud to hold an offi­cial MoTeC deal­er and tuner title.


The con­cept of tur­bocharg­ing is based on the idea of boost­ing air intake through a tur­bine-dri­ven com­pres­sor using an engine’s exhaust gasses. It’s com­mon to iden­ti­fy areas where a tur­bocharg­er’s per­for­mance can be enhanced. A high-per­form­ing tur­bocharg­er is typ­i­cal­ly designed by the manufacturer’s tur­bo engi­neers for a spe­cif­ic engine. In the after­mar­ket, when the core met­rics are mea­sured, eval­u­at­ed and vis­i­ble to the engine tuner, the per­for­mance of the tur­bocharg­er in anoth­er engine-charg­er set­up can be assessed and opti­mized.

Wiring har­ness­es

Our top-tier motor­sport wiring har­ness­es are designed and built to last. We pro­vide reli­a­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance to both indi­vid­ual enthu­si­asts and pro­fes­sion­al motor­sport teams.

One of our qual­i­ty proofs is that every sin­gle wire con­tact is crimped by advanced pre­ci­sion machines to avoid con­nec­tiv­i­ty issues and to achieve top dura­bil­i­ty. Each har­ness under­goes a rig­or­ous high volt­age test to ensure our prod­ucts are free from insu­la­tor faults and wiring errors.

Our looms have a lega­cy on the tracks and cir­cuits. Notably, the world’s fastest elec­tric ral­ly­cross cars, like FC‑1, are pow­ered with our wiring solu­tions, as do sev­er­al oth­er motor­sport elite series.

Feel the Speed

Let’s get wired.

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