The home
of speed

Shift into gear and roll in.

Fin­ger Motors’ car stu­dio

Wel­come to our cham­ber of secrets! We set­tle only for the best equip­ment, so why should you set­tle for less?

Explore Fin­ger Motors’ work­shop, equipped with top-notch tools and work­spaces – the ulti­mate care cen­ter for your pre­cious ride. In our work­shop, we fea­ture three lifters:

  • a 2‑post super­car lifter,
  • a dou­ble-scis­sor lifter, and
  • a large wheel align­ment lifter.

We’ve fur­nished our work­shop with pre­mi­um fix­tures from DEA, each designed to pro­mote effi­cien­cy and orga­ni­za­tion. For accu­rate and seam­less wheel align­ment, we rely on the ver­sa­tile and pre­cise Beiss­barth wheel align­ment sys­tem.


We’ve strate­gi­cal­ly cho­sen Dynolyze high-qual­i­ty hub dynos for our tun­ing process­es. With super­cars, it’s chal­leng­ing to find a body spot stur­dy enough for the nec­es­sary tight strap­ping, and cars often expe­ri­ence slip on roller dynos. How­ev­er, with hub dynos, such issues are elim­i­nat­ed, even at extreme pow­er lev­els; the car is bolt­ed direct­ly to the dyno via its hubs.

Not only are we impressed with Dynolyze’s dura­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance, but we also have inti­mate knowl­edge of every com­po­nent of this dyno. We’re grate­ful to the man­u­fac­tur­er for involv­ing us in a col­lab­o­ra­tive approach towards its ongo­ing devel­op­ment, lever­ag­ing our exper­tise to make it even more tuner-friend­ly.

Kistler Kibox2

At our facil­i­ty, we use the Kistler Kibox2 for in-depth engine analy­sis. This tool, com­mon among auto indus­try engi­neers, helps us under­stand engine func­tion­al­i­ty and improve effi­cien­cy.

While such tools are usu­al­ly for indus­try pro­fes­sion­als because of their cost, we at Fin­ger Motors can mea­sure all cru­cial engine aspects, includ­ing the “Otto cycle” or engine cylin­der pres­sure curve. We also use the Kibox2 for quick trou­bleshoot­ing of com­plex prob­lems.


Every pro­fes­sion­al tun­ing shop pri­or­i­tizes a con­t­a­m­i­nant-free envi­ron­ment. A grain of dust or speck of dirt can impact the per­for­mance and lifes­pan of engines or gear­box­es. To ensure the reli­a­bil­i­ty of our builds, we have a des­ig­nat­ed work­space for engine and gear­box assem­blies.

For a wide range of tasks requir­ing safe­ty and pre­ci­sion, our facil­i­ty includes also a fire-secured room. This spe­cial­ized area is out­fit­ted with top-tier weld­ing tools, pipe cut­ters, lath­es, and oth­er equip­ment, mak­ing it ide­al for cus­tom weld­ing and intri­cate tasks.

Feel the Speed

Let’s get wired.

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