Meet the Team

Fin­ger Motors’ team is a bunch of pis­ton heads with a mag­ic touch. We like to get our hands dirty and regret noth­ing.

“You can always do bet­ter. And I.”


The Chief

Kim­mo is the non-stop CEO of Fin­ger Motors who for­gets the clock when things are get­ting inter­est­ing. While his pri­ma­ry respon­si­bil­i­ties revolve around com­pa­ny gov­er­nance, sales, finance, and dai­ly office oper­a­tions, he can’t resist get­ting involved in client cas­es. Kim­mo’s first car crush was a Sub­aru, which he trans­formed into a drift car.

“You know that feel­ing? When you just know you can do it?”


The Mas­ter­mind

Arto has worked as a race engi­neer and a lec­tur­er at a poly­tech­nic school and is now respon­si­ble for engine adjust­ments and analy­sis. Wide­ly regard­ed as a men­tor in the motor­sport scene due to his exten­sive expe­ri­ence and net­work, Arto has also cre­at­ed Fin­ger Motors’ own busi­ness secrets: the process­es and meth­ods.

“It’s just a mat­ter of doing it.”


Com­plete Cus­tom Guy

Arto is a sol­id pro­fes­sion­al in mechan­i­cal tun­ing and electrics, with decades of expe­ri­ence in var­i­ous car build­ing projects. At Fin­ger Motors, he is not only a key play­er in wiring har­ness design and man­u­fac­tur­ing but also in com­pre­hen­sive auto­mo­tive craft­ing and spe­cial assem­blies. That’s when Arto is tru­ly on fire: he enjoys tack­ling chal­lenges with his ener­getic, hands-on approach.

“Oth­ers mess up too.”


Mas­ter of Wires

This is wire­craft! Markus, a for­mer pro­fes­sion­al motor­cy­cle rac­er, knows first­hand what it’s like to wire up a ride. At Fin­ger Motors, his duty is to build and craft har­ness­es per orders, keep the wire­house sup­plies updat­ed, and com­mu­ni­cate with the cus­tomers.

“Team­work makes the dream work.”


Veloc­i­ty Vir­tu­oso

Fast & Furi­ous films and a field car at the age of ten – these were the things that start­ed Valtteri’s love of speed and cars. In his the­sis work for Fin­ger­mo­tors, Valt­teri improved the dynamome­ter data col­lec­tion sys­tem. With many more new and unique projects on the hori­zon, it’s no won­der this enthu­si­as­tic motor sports expert fol­lowed that road. His own hob­by car, a Nis­san trans­form­ing into a full-blood­­ed drift­ing car, is tak­ing Valt­teri to race­tracks in the future.

“The more you do, the bet­ter you get.”


Detail Dynamo

Teemu enjoys his work in a good team where every­thing is always done as well as pos­si­ble. The pro­fes­sion requires pre­ci­sion and man­u­al skills, and it’s reward­ing to see how you learn new things and improve your skills all the time – result­ing in fin­er and bet­ter-look­ing wiring har­ness­es. Hard-work­ing but qui­et is what work­mates say about Teemu, who knows that it’s bet­ter to lis­ten when wis­er ones are talk­ing. On the pur­chase list: motor­bike.

”Fun is manda­to­ry.”


Street Hawk

A reward­ing moment in a mechanic’s day is when you first make some­thing new and fan­cy, and then test the func­tion­al­i­ty of the com­plet­ed work. This suits Juho, who enjoys vari­ety in work­days and a cer­tain kind of free­dom com­pared to tra­di­tion­al repair shop work. Devel­op­ing and improv­ing cars also extends to his free time when Juho is work­ing on his own three street cars. Exces­sive seri­ous­ness is not good in work or hob­bies – best results come in a com­fort­able and fun atmos­phere.

”I just do what I like.”


Tur­bo Tin­ker

You can find Ville in the work­shop at a cus­tomi­sa­tion job. Ville, who has also worked as entre­pre­neur, is a skilled and high­ly ver­sa­tile mechan­ic, jack of all trades who builds more per­for­mance and dura­bil­i­ty to motors. And a lot more. In his cre­ative work, he appre­ci­ates being able to influ­ence how he works and what he does. This prob­lem solver man­ages the repair shop and always starts his morn­ing with cof­fee.

“What­ev­er you do, do it as well as you can.”


Per­fec­tion­ist Pro

Jan­i­na has pre­vi­ous­ly worked as inte­ri­or design car­pen­ter and she iden­ti­fies her­self as a per­fec­tion­ist who approves only the best result in cus­tomer assign­ments. Jan­i­na, who also man­ages the com­pa­ny inven­to­ry, says that chal­lenges, con­tin­u­ous devel­op­ment and progress moti­vate her. Work­ing with the world’s best work­mates has cre­at­ed a fan­tas­tic team spir­it and atmos­phere where every­one can be tru­ly them­selves. To coun­ter­bal­ance her pre­ci­sion work, Jan­i­na can pur­sue her artis­tic side by knit­ting Ice­landic sweaters.

”Always do your best.”


Cir­cuit Sage

Cars are becom­ing elec­tric, the world is elec­tri­fy­ing and so is also wiring har­ness tech­ni­cian Renne. What start­ed as tin­ker­ing with all kinds of vehi­cles in the teen years, now con­tin­ues as thor­ough immer­sion in car elec­tri­cal sys­tems. Renne prefers qual­i­ty and dili­gence to point­less hur­ry­ing. When you real­ly con­cen­trate on your work, you enter in a world of your own. It’s some­how sooth­ing, almost ther­a­peu­tic.


Intro­duc­ing the pow­er­house behind the pre­ci­sion, the wiz­ards of wheels, and the mae­stros of motors who are ded­i­cat­ed to craft­ing auto­mo­tive per­fec­tion with every turn of the wrench.


Ask us any­thing.

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